Jack Butland has been speaking ahead of Rangers' Europa League clash with Sparta Prague at Ibrox. Here is everything he had to say.

How much are you looking forward to the game?

Yeah, really looking forward to it. It's a huge one in terms of the group. Our first European home match under this manager so it's going to be a good night, looking forward to it. It comes at an important time for us, a crucial part of the group, a chance for us to go top of the group and set us in good stead for the last two games and hopefully qualify so a big important game.

Is six points the aim over the next two matches?

Without doubt. I don't think there's anyone we come up against that we're afraid to play, at home especially. I'm sure the atmosphere's going to be incredible, we're all looking forward to that. We're excited for the opportunity to play these guys again. It started off tricky for us last time round but we dug it out second half and in recent weeks we've been improving a lot I think. It's a great opportunity for us and Ibrox is always a special place to play so it's going to be a good night.

Have you seen significant signs of progress under the new manager?

It's felt like a long time, it feels like we've been together for ages which I think is a testament to him. I think the desire from the group has always been there. It's been channelled perhaps and I think the manager has simplified things for us. Certainly, our performances have shown that there is a lot of talent in this group and that there is a lot of belief and desire in this group. It's sort of coming together and I guess we've seen that in a short space of time. But the way that the manager is and the way that we are with not stopping at anything, we've got things that we want to achieve, a lot of work to do and that's a conscious effort every single day is to keep getting better and improve. We've come a long way I think, still a way to go but we're getting towards the team we want to be.

Can you give us examples of how the manager has simplified things?

I guess without giving too much away as far as how we want to play and things like that, the messages have been really clear. I know that there are more things he'll want to implement as time goes on. We're only scratching the surface as far as tactical, technical and physical, everything he's trying to bring to the club and improving on all aspects. I think we're only seeing a little bit at the minute but I think there's more to come from us. He's touched on it himself that there's more he wants to bring. Without going into too much, there's not a stone he's not looking to turn and find improvement in.

How would you sum up his managerial style?

Effective I think and being efficient. I think the way this club is and what's expected, winning football and to win you need to score goals, you need to be solid defensively and you need to play in a good shape going forward. If you were to summarise what the manager wants from us you can probably take it from that. The finer details of how you want to play are within that and that's obviously what we work on a lot. He wants us to be difficult to beat and he wants us to be forward and up the pitch, press high up the pitch and creating chances. I think in the games so far he's made subtle adjustments that have made us a lot more efficient team going forward, creating a lot more chances, scoring plenty of goals. We'd still like to see it going in more because we're creating those chances. I think it's become a much more enjoyable place for the strikers to play.

Only two goals conceded since he arrived, have you felt that impact since he arrived?

We've still got the most clean sheets in the league already so far so I think even prior to the manager coming in we've prided ourselves on trying to keep the ball out of the net which is important.  Have we improved on that since? Yeah, I think we have. We've given up fewer chances, we're pressing a lot higher up the pitch which ultimately, keeps the ball further away from your goal. Within that there's different things he's asking us to do defensively whether it be set plays and things like that so we're still learning exactly what he wants from us and I think in this short period of time we're showing really positive signs. When you keep the ball out it's a lot easier to go and win games and long may that continue.

How would you sum up his man-management style and how has the mood in the camp improved?

I think everything had to improve because we weren't happy with where we were. It was a difficult start to the season for everybody so I think that goes without saying. I don't think there's anything there to take from that. When you're winning and you're playing better, people are a lot happier. As far as the manager goes, I touched on it earlier, he's simplified things, he's made his demands obvious and not clouded. There's been occasions where he wants to improve certain things and aspects, whether it be fitness or whatever, there's been things that he's touched on and been sure to come back and give us reasons as to why and backed up his reasons as to why he's making us do certain things or play a certain way. There's no grey area, I think the lads know what's expected and he's included everybody. When you're playing regularly and there are regulars in the team that have played more than others, others that are on the outside and perhaps feel distant from it, I think he's been great at bringing those guys in and making them feel a part of it. When it comes to extra work, understands why he wants them to do extra work because he wants them to be on the same level as those who are playing. As a result, you've got 24, 25 players who are capable of performing for this club. I think he's done a good job of making everyone feel a part of it.

Robbie McCrorie has been called up for Scotland, pleasing?

I think I knew before him! I came in and saw it on the TV and said congrats. He's a top goalkeeper who works extremely hard, it must be difficult because I've been in his position before where you've not played as much and I can understand frustrations but he has worked hard. Scotland have a top goalie on their hands. 

Are you enjoying being brought into the leadership group?

Nothing's changed for me, it was the same under Michael Beale. I've got to do my role and be as natural as I can, for me that's being a leader. Prior to this manager coming in, while this manager is here and while we are. I try to be the best I can be, vocally and in terms of performance. That's the way I am. If that helps and other people can follow, great. If other people prefer to take messages from other people, great. You can't have one leader or two. We've got a substantial amount of good leaders and speakers in this group, it's an honour to be considered part of it.

You've filled some big shoes and the fans have taken to you?

I've not filled them yet! [The connection with supporters] has made the beginning of my career here easier, I don't think I thought about it too much I was just keen to hit the round running as fast as I possibly could. I guess with the difficult start it maybe emphasised that even more. But for me as a goalkeeper, you can separate that a bit from the stresses and focus on your little job away from the team because you are a bit on your own. That's the best way I can help this team. There's times in this team when I'm going long, long periods not being part of the game at all. As we are getting better that's getting more common. The times between me being required are less. I just try focus on what I do and thankfully so far that's been to a high standard and I guess the club have a soft spot for keepers, they've had some incredible keepers over the years. They won and they were successful and that's obviously what I want to be here. We're far from filling those shoes but some way to get started. 

Have you had to change your style seeing less action?

No, goals are the same and the ball is! I've had similar experiences at the international level before where you go periods of time without the ball. It is what it is. As you get older, you learn how to stay connected with the game, you're probably a lot less hot-headed and running on adrenaline, it's a lot more like chess throughout the game if you like making sure you're in the right positions. It comes with confidence as well, making sure I'm confident in myself, in my environment and just in a good place. I haven't consciously changed anything, as a keeper the biggest compliment is going about your work as simply and easily as you can and hopefully, I am doing that.

How did the players react to the fitness comments made by the manager?

He's bringing everybody in. Sometimes the old ideas of running stupid distances can be a punishment to people, he's made it clear if people are doing extra running it's not as a punishment, it's to get you up to the standard to where the lads who are getting those numbers in week in week out, so when the opportunity comes he will call on those people because we will need to over the course of the season, they are not a yard off, they're up to standard. When he articulated it in that way, it's not as if you're running because you're not playing or fit enough, you're doing extra work to get to the levels we need you. The lads are on board because that works in everyone's favour. Those guys, it means they are ready and for the rest of the team and club, every player is ready to go when called upon.

The priority is to qualify, is there a belief you can go deep in this tournament?

We're taking every game as it comes, whether we are underdogs or not. We know what it's like when people have to come and face us at home, as a team we are growing in strength and belief that we can play anyone. Maybe that wasn't quite the feeling some time ago, we're certainly growing into that. It doesn't mean we won't have some difficult games, we've had some scenarios where we've had to come from behind already, but we're growing as a team and the belief is there that we'll win games of football whether we're winning or behind. We're heading to a position where we don't fear anybody and that's where we fall in line with what this club is all about.