Every word the manager had to say at today's press conference. 

What sort of reaction have you had since Celtic defeat and how have you reflected on it?

There has been a lot of reflection, a good time to communicate, some good training on the pitch and I have seen a good response from the players. It is important we put that into a performance during tomorrow's game now.

Have you had any discussions recently with the club's hierarchy?

Naturally, I speak to James Bisgrove every day. I speak to John Bennett and other members of the board at least two or three times a week as normal, so nothing has changed in that respect. We have sat and discussed this first period up until the September international break, and as we do during all international breaks, it is a chance for reflection for us.

How do you reflect on that period?

It was disappointing how the final three or four days went, for sure. Obviously, there were two big games, and both results did not go how we wanted. That is the reality of it. There have been some good things and some things we have to improve on, and that has been the honest reflection.

Have you been given assurances about your position?

Listen, I do not need any assurances. I am part of a plan in terms of where we are going as a club. It is something I am fully aware of and involved in and ultimately a football manager needs to win games of football and the last two we did not win so we have to get back to winning. We have seven games in 22 days now so it is a good opportunity for us to do that.

Do you think your job is in peril at the moment?

No, listen I am disappointed with the results, like everyone else, and I think sometimes small margins can make a big difference in games football and I think that was the case in the last one. Ultimately, you need to win games of football. Last year we won a lot but did not come away with any silverware. This year it is all about picking up silverware, it is very early into the season, and there has been a lot of change around me in my time as manager here, probably from February or March, at the club and in terms of the playing staff. We have not started the season as we would have wanted but ultimately there is a lot of football to be played and you can just play the game in front of you.

How do you reflect on the reaction of the fans at full-time after the defeat to Celtic?

They are sharing their frustration. It was loud and clear. I do not think there is much time for talking now. I think we need to make it up to them on the pitch in terms of performances and results. I think the fans are sharing their frustrations and anxiety at how the start of the season has gone and I think that is quite natural for any group of fans to show that.

Do you feel the fans are harsh to give you slack or are they entitled to?

The fans support each game that they watch. There was a lot of excitement and expectation coming into the season and so far that has not been fulfilled. It is early in the season, but that does not take away from the disappointing four or five days we had in the lead-up to the international break, and I think it was a reflection of the result of one day and some things that happened during the game. It was an emotional game and it did not go our way.

What is key in getting the fans back onside?

I think the team needs to win games of football. We have a good opportunity to do that in front of us right now and the team needs to show rhythm in the way we are playing, and the new players need to show they are settled. They have had a long time now, we have probably had over 40 sessions on the pitch, nine games and four or five pre-season games. The players arrived at different times but there is no excuse about it being a new team. I think if you take the League Cup game aside, seven or eight players have started every game so there has been a little bit of change in the front line, but there are a lot of new players in those areas. It is not as if we have come into the season with the same front line as last year. Each player is different, I think the new guys have had enough time to settle, they have felt the heat in Glasgow in terms of the reactions of the fans. I think the fans made their feelings clear at the end of the last game and it is important that we show a response now, from myself first, but also the players as well.

You talk about rhythm, have you seen signs on the training ground over the last two weeks that things are moving in the right direction?

Listen, over the four league games we have had 21 more shots than anyone else. We have also had the most passes in the final third with the most accuracy. The opportunity has been there for us to score more goals. We are underscoring, in terms of what is expected, and if that changes then things look a little more rosy. There is still work to be done behind the scenes with the team. There always will be no matter where we get to but at this moment in time, we had the least shots on our goal and the best defensive record in the league so there are some things we can move forward from in terms of foundations but certainly, if we are having that many more shots than everyone else, and getting into good areas of the pitch, at some point we will have to take those chances.

Do you feel it’s up top that can change things for you if you can get it clicking?

I think it’s everywhere. I think the team needs to show a greater intensity everywhere. That’s the things that we’ve been working on. Tomorrow gives us an opportunity to make a step in the right direction. I’m certainly not angling towards just the front players. I think, as a team, we need to show more cohesion in our performances.

Are you confident you can win back the supporters?

I think the fans have shown a frustration towards myself, that’s fair but they’ve shown a frustration towards the players as well so none of us are really in a lot of credit at the moment. The way you get that as a manager and as a football team is winning games of football. We’ve got seven in 22 days so on we go.

Have the new players been taken aback by the reaction?

I’ve not personally discussed that with them. The fans are really frustrated and disappointed. If they think the players aren’t then that’s foolish of them because the players also live and breathe it every day and there’s been some really honest words been said in-house that will remain between us as a group. But the talking needs to be done on the football pitch now.

Have you been taken aback by it?

No, because I was fully aware of what I was getting myself involved in. I understand Glasgow and how it works.

Is it human nature to want to know exactly where you stand with regard to job assurances?

No, because my relationship with John Bennett and James Bisgrove is extremely close. I live that relationship every day so I know where were at. I know what the plan was coming into the season and I know where we’re going as a football club. I was involved in every single decision. Every decision wasn’t my decision. I’m involved in everything and we’re very aligned so I have no concerns about that but I can’t affect the background noise. I’ve just got to get on with my job day in day out. I see the guys, in James’ case every day and I see John and speak to him maybe two or three times a week so I’m really comfortable. Journalists are going to ask managers questions in their interviews, I can’t help that.

Do you feel more accountability in terms of recruitment with the departure of Ross Wilson?

That’s fine, I’m happy to take the accountability. Not every decision is mine within the football club. It’s a collective decision between the board, myself and one or two others. We had a plan this season to reduce the size of the squad and the age of it, we have. We haven’t started the season well but if we had have started the season better or won the last game, it still wouldn’t have been all rosy inside. There’s a work in progress. There’s been a lot of change in the club since probably February/March time on the board and structurally in the club and within the squad as well. A lot of players who were key to this club in previous years have moved on, new players have come in and it’s important we give them time to show their quality over the season. I’ve got no doubts they’ll show that.

Do you feel right now you can’t afford a slip-up?

I think right now the team need to show stronger performances for sure.

Do you know what your best attacking options are right now?

The strongest team will play the next game. There have been some things that have not been ideal at the start of the season for one or two players in terms of not being available or not being in a fantastic place. But Tom Lawrence is now fully fit, he comes into the squad. Kemar Roofe has played the last two or three. He would have two in two if the officials would’ve done their job correctly in the last game so he’s in a really good place at the moment. Unfortunately, Todd Cantwell will probably miss the next three or four games as a result of the challenge at the end of the game. Kieran Dowell’s the same but other than that, everyone else is fit and ready to go so on we go for these next few games.

Can you talk us through your Europa League squad?

The squad was actually submitted on September 4, I don't know why it took UEFA 10 days to come out. We had to submit it on the Monday after our last game. Jon McLaughlin was a natural one with two homegrown goalkeepers. Leon Balogun was a choice I have Ben Davies available now. Ben's not been fully fit to play up until this moment, John Souttar, Connor Goldson and I trust Leon King. It came down to Dujon, Tav, Adam Devine and Borna and Ridvan who'd played 20 minutes all season up until I made that call. Ridvan is a player I like, I think he has a bright future at the club, he ended last season ever so well but he's not been able to knock out the games. When it comes to picking that squad with the limitations you have he unfortunately missed out and at the time I was picking the squad I thought Kieran [Dowell] would be out for three to four weeks, that was the feedback I was getting and Todd [Cantwell] was going for a scan, I didn't know the severity of Todd's situation at the time we had to submit the squads. I couldn't put them both in which is why Kieran missed out. All the players have had it explained, I can't say they're all over the moon but they understood.

What's Cantwell's problem?

Something with his knee picked up in a challenge towards the end of the game. He played on, we had to send him for a scan and thought it would be worse than it is, the initial diagnosis, so we're probably two or one and a half weeks into that.

Kieran Dowell's injury?

A strange reaction with his knee, he and Todd have had their legs in a brace for the last week or so. Kieran is out jogging but we need to see how that goes and I'd say he's three or four weeks away as well.

How confident are you you can turn this around?

Hugeley, we came into this season our domestic win percentage was really high, we've played nine games in the first month. Some arrived the week before the season arrived, you have to manage all of that with nine players coming in and some important ones going out. I relied on Tillman, Sakala, Morelos and Kent in 90 percent of games last season as my front three or four, those players have changed, I think we've brought really good players in, I think the time to judge them is not right now. Naturally, we'd all want them to come in and hit the ground running, the reality is that the team's taken a bit longer than I thought to settle. The last game we played there was no reason to lose the game. There's a decision in the game that sends it in a certain direction and it's regrettable that we lost it, we could have performed better. I'll own it, the players have to and now we need to show our worth in the coming months.