Philippe Clement cut a frustrated figure when he spoke to the Rangers Review and other assembled press following the 1-1 draw with Aris at Ibrox.

Here is everything he had to say.

How do you reflect on your team's performance?

We all wanted to win. We started really well with good pressing but we missed the final pass at the beginning of the game. We had several moments of really good pressing, winning the ball and having the opportunity to put somebody alone in front of goal but we missed the pass every time. I felt some nervousness in the team, more than the weeks before maybe because of the occasion so that is something to work on. After that start you get a goal against that is unnecessary and then you make it more difficult for yourself but we continued and nobody gave up. I had to make a change early which I don't like to do but we were missing width and depth on the right side because we didn't have running players behind the defence there or being high enough in position. I gave that message a few times to Todd but he was coming into the ball all the time so that's why I made the change and put Ross in who's more that profile.

How frustrating was it not to push on after equalising?

We missed the last pass and we missed some freshness also at this level. I see Sima the last two games at a little bit lower level after the birth of his baby and less sleep and maybe the occasion. I also see Tom coming in but being less decisive than his first game but he's coming out of an injury so repetitive playing was also the reason not to start with him, this made it more difficult. Ross came in and was bright but we missed the last pass, the overview, the decisive moment. We were on the ball a lot and were in the final third a lot but we missed the precision today otherwise you have a different scenario. The domination was there for sure in the second half.

How do you view progression now?

Firstly, there is progression because the last time this team played against Limassol with more players fit, they lost so there's progression in that way. Secondly, we have European football after January. It's important not to forget this also because you can be so hungry and so ambitious to win that you forget those things. You need to stay smart that you have European football after January. It's the first time I've felt this nervousness on the pitch with the players and also in the stands. Maybe one side doesn't help the other side, you can make a discussion where it starts. Those are things to work on. They've shown enough in the last couple of weeks that they can have a better level in technical and decisive actions so we need to work hard with all the boys to get everybody to their best level. But there are a lot of players who had to start today who've come out of a serious injury when they've been out for four, five, six, eight weeks. They missed some freshness to make their actions. We saw Rabbi coming in bright against Aberdeen and today it was more difficult. We still have a lot of work to do with the group but they need to continue pushing hard.

In hindsight, would you have changed your starting line-up?

No, because you can say, 'Okay you had to start with Ross,' it was something to think about but we also need to see the steps he has made in the last couple of weeks and everything is going fast. It's easy to think things after the game, this is the logical way and also the way Todd's played the last couple of weeks where he had good and important moments. In the last game against Prague he was very decisive out of this position so, no.

Can you understand the frustrations of the fans?

It's frustration from everybody and maybe this is the nervousness also. The frustration of the players because they want it so hard. They want so hard to win and qualify, to please the fans, to be good but in that moment you need to stay calm and a few players lost that. They were maybe too busy to do too well so we need to work on that.

Is it a concern the way teams are getting through your backline?

A concern, yes because I don't like it that way. We've been showing videos around that. Now we have four central defenders who've experienced it so I'm sure in the next weeks and months it will not happen too much.

Do you feel that Cantwell is best utilised on the right?

Todd's best position is elsewhere but we're in a situation where we don't have a lot of players on the right side. Scott Wright was not available today, for example. Ross is coming out of the academy taking his first steps. He's not ready to shine every three days and to play 90 minutes every time, it's impossible. Rabbi Matondo was injured so we had a lot of problems in the last couple of weeks. Players are coming back and we need to work hard but I know Todd's best positon is as a number 10 or more from the left side. I'm really happy with him what he's shown for the team in the last couple of weeks because he played that position and he can play that position, it's just a mental thing. If you say he cannot play that position it's not a big difference in the way we're playing about the number 10 role because we change a number of positions.

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Is it important fans are patient with Ross?

It's important for everything around him but in that way, I'm really happy with him. You saw all the stuff about the renewal of the contract and signing at Rangers, he stayed calm the whole time. He's not somebody who gets carried away, we've talked about that. We've talked about how he'll get a lot of new friends now when he starts to get into the team and be decisive, that's part of football but he's ready for that. I don't have any fear, the only thing is expectation from the fans. Don't expect from him every three days to be the shining star and be decisive every time. He needs to grow and he needs to become stronger. He needs to do it step by step. It's about us, as a staff to guide him in a good way.

Is it a concern you may have to play your strongest team against Betis and again in the League Cup final three days later?

It's still a few weeks that I have time to think and see what the situation is in the team also. We've already had a few interesting weeks in that way by players who were injured, players who get injured or players who get babies and there are quite a few who'll get babies in December and January so those are things to look towards because we need everybody at their top level and we need to work hard for that.

You can still win the group, is that the mindset you'll be going to Seville with?

Yeah, of course. We have everything to win there. We already have European football and we can come first in the group so, for sure, that's going to be the idea to win that game and to end this qualifying group in a really good way.

What did you make of the performance levels and do you think the fans can help with the confidence of the team?

I want to see more vertical passing, I want to see more runs in behind the defence, I want to see more connection between players and we're working hard on that. I explained a few things already, Rome is not built in one day. There is work to do, there are players coming into the team, there are players returning from injury like Cifu is not playing at his best level in tempo. That also decides the tempo of the game, how your midfield is playing. We have work to do but the positive thing is we're now nine games working together, we didn't lose one. Everybody is working hard and I can tell every fan that everyone is working hard every day at the club to raise their level. We knew with all the injuries that they had that it's important that all the team is now at their best level but we need to play every three days so we cannot do it all the time with the same 11. We need to rotate between players. It's about taking the best out of every game.