RANGERS manager Philippe Clement has given a cool welcome to the prospect of 10 minute sin bins being introduced to professional football and warned they could turn matches into “a circus”.

The International Football Association Board (IFAB) this week proposed holding sin bin trials for offences like cynical fouls and dissent following a meeting in London.

Clement believes they would only break up play, which has already been slowed down considerably by the introduction of VAR, further and lead to matches becoming more stop-start.

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“That for me is a difficult thing because I think it becomes a little bit a circus then with players coming in and out constantly during a game,” he said.

“I think some people are already protesting against VAR because it stops the game and the referee needs to go out and in.

“VAR makes the game more honest. The negative things are, for me at least, less than the positive things. You get more honest results at the end so I am positive about that.

Rangers Review: Rangers manager Philippe Clement“But if players need to go out for two minutes, five minutes, I don’t know how much time, then what is the moment to come in?

“It is already difficult at the moment if you have an injured player and you restart and he is on the sideline.

“It is difficult to get him on sometimes and is a big discussion with the referees. Where is the ball? What is the danger? I think it would create more fuss than is necessary.”

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The possibility of VAR being used to help the referee make more decisions – including on corners, free-kicks and second yellow cards - was also discussed at the IFAB meeting which was chaired by SFA chief executive Ian Maxwell.

Clement is opposed to the new technology being used more than it is at the moment. “I don’t think it is good to stop the game more than it is now,” he said. “I think it is necessary to be really good in the important decisions.

“But if we stop all the time, we don’t get fluid football anymore and then you destroy the game. I am a fan about making the critical decisions, when it is really clear as far as possible.”