Rangers defender Leon Balogun has been speaking ahead of Sunday's trip to Pittodrie to face Aberdeen.

Here is everything he had to say.

What are your thoughts ahead of this weekend?

The break was nice. We had quite a decent squad size still here, we worked on some things physical and tactical obviously and I think everybody is looking forward to getting going again this weekend.

Was it nice to work on things on the training ground?

It was vital that we had more training time during this international break based on the fact that the manager's been here for six weeks. He wants to get more of his ideas and philosophy to us clearer and I think it's worked really well so far which is displayed in the performances as well.

Is what the manager wants beginning to take shape?

It's just a guess but I have a feeling that we maybe took it on a bit quicker than what he maybe expected. I have a feeling that he is quite happy with that first block we had. Now we've got a very big block ahead of us which needs full focus and hard work but I think everybody is really buying into what he's trying to implement here. You can see it in the performances, there is a different feeling around and a new confidence in the group that has been down a bit before when there's been a few bumps in the road which we could all see so it feels good.

Are you excited about what's to come from this squad?

Always. We're here to play football, it's the beauty of the game. We are privileged to be at a club that has so many games coming thick and fast. Obviously, it's challenging as well, we're going to need the full squad but everybody is buying into it and it feels good on the pitch. The confidence in each other in the group as a whole in what the manager's doing I think is pretty high.

What has the manager changed?

I cannot tell you what's gone on behind the curtain because I haven't looked behind it but it's just his ways. He's very straightforward. He has this manner about him where you know he's just very clear. There's a lot of repetition because he just wants to make sure we get every single detail. Obviously, one thing that always happens when a new manager comes in, everybody is trying to present themselves from their best side so that will factor in. I think it's mainly down to the way he works which is really focused on details. He's really into the details and that helps. His door is always open but he's very clear and demanding.

What conversations have you had with the manager and what type of role does he want you to play?

Not too much, actually. I was needed [against Dundee] and I obviously needed games. I'm happy that I could take my chance. Again, for me, it helps that he's very clear. I'm one of the older guys in the squad so obviously I have a bit of experience as well and, for me, it was just taking the messages on board just like any other player and then producing.

How different is the confidence and morale since the last time you played Aberdeen?

That's a good question. I wasn't involved but it was a kick in the face or your gut. I remember that the team was very down. There was a very dark cloud around the dressing room which now feels like it's lifted. There's a different buzz in the changing room and within the group. As I've said before, confidence is pretty high at the moment just because of the recent results and performances, so it's very different.

What are you expecting from Aberdeen and what do you make of some who say Aberdeen try harder against Rangers?

I think every team is trying harder against us always. That is, with all due respect nothing new really. We know from Aberdeen's side that there is great value to that game because of the rivalry and you always know up there is not going to be pretty. They make it hard for you. I remember the first time I played up there I ended up being slammed against the goalpost. It was my first game in Scotland so I thought, 'Okay, that was a proper welcome!' There are always games where everybody is fighting their hardest but we're up for that. It'll be physical but, for us, it's about focusing on our game and how we are trying to deal with that and still trying to play our football.

Are you looking for revenge?

I think there's an element to it but I can't speak for everyone here. There will probably always be an element of, 'Okay, last game we know how it went so let's make sure let's doesn't happen again.' I don't want to call it revenge but it never sits nicely if you've suffered defeat. We haven't spoken about it as a group actually but I'm pretty sure that most of the lads will have it in the back of their mind.