Alex Rae has been thrilled by the rebuilding job being made by Michael Beale at Ibrox but he reckons James Bisgrove could be the biggest ‘summer signing’. 

There have been massive changes in the Rangers squad with stalwarts like Allan McGregor, Scott Arfield, Alfredo Morelos and Ryan Kent all leaving along with Fil Helander and Antonio Colak, who was sold to Parma, while Malik Tillman returned to Bayern Munich. 

In have come Sam Lammers, Danilo, Cyriel Dessers, Kieran Dowell, Jack Butland, Dujon Sterling and Abdallah Sima – on loan from Brighton – with Leon Balogun returning and Jose Cifuentes expected imminently. 

However, today Bisgrove officially takes over as Chief Executive with Stewart Robertson standing down as Managing Director and former Ibrox star Rae feels he is someone who will be vital to Rangers’ future and has already proved his worth. 

Speaking to Rae said: “James was obviously brought in initially to increase revenue and he has been phenomenally successful. 

“The figure was around £8million at the end of 2018 and it increased to £29million in four years so that is clearly fantastic work to oversee that kind of increase. 

“The board has clearly seen that Bisgrove has the attributes to take control of the entire business and that’s why they made him chief executive. 

“There have been a number of major changes behind the scenes as Rangers look to move forward in a business sense. Many department heads have been changed. 

“Michael Beale has had the backing he needed to get the players he wanted and I have also been very encouraged that Bisgrove is also setting up quarterly meetings with the fans. 

“So, there is transparency and accountability there. 

“Edmiston House is also up and running so that’s another strand to the strategy which is taking the club forward. I understand it’s packed every day and even busier now with the opening of the new museum. 

“There is a new academy director in Zeb Jacobs and hopefully he can enhance what has been happening with Nathan Patterson being the major success and Leon King also making a breakthrough. 

“I think it all adds to the excitement among supporters who feel there is a real vibrance about the club now as the new season is about to start.”