Here's everything the Rangers manager had to say to the press following Rangers' 3-3 draw with Hearts to end their Premiership season.

How did you see the game?

It clearly wasn’t a dead rubber for both teams, everyone went full. If you have 10 shots on target against four, you’re disappointed with a 3-3 - and certainly when you concede a goal in the last two seconds of the game. It’s important to take good lessons out of that. In big spells of the game, the boys showed good things with an experimental team. Today was about making choices before next week in terms of who can play minutes. The changes in the game weren’t for the game, it was more towards the cup final, to give players rhythm. Or to take players out because we couldn’t take risks in case they get injured and give us more problems for next week. I’ve seen a team who were fighting all game long today. It was disappointing to be 1-0 down against the play because we had good chances to score the first goal. But the reaction in the second half was really good. We scored three goals and it’s a pity we lost two in the last 10 minutes. If Ben Davies was still on the pitch, we probably wouldn’t have conceded. But Hearts were really efficient today. They had four shots on target and scored three goals.

Does that sum up your season?

A few weeks ago we were the team who were conceding the least goals, not with a full squad, but with more defenders than we’ve got today. And we scored a lot of goals. In a lot of games, we were efficient. So it’s too easy to say that everything is black and white. There is much more grey. And a lot of grey goes to white if you look at how many points the team took before now, despite all these injuries.

What gives you the belief you can win the cup next week?

In one game, everything is possible. And in the three games I’ve had against them, we got a draw and lost the other two 2-1 at Celtic Park when we played a big part of those games with 10 men. Every time, it was really tight. I know my players will go full in this last game to give the fans something special. That’s why I believe we can win it.

Are you hopeful you'll have more players back?

We will see, it was positive Abda and Ridvan could take some minutes today. We will see if Leon Balogun can be fit again. We are going to see in the week so in that way it is difficult for me to plan the starting 11 and what players are going to make it. We need to assess with the medical and performance staff how many players are available and for how many minutes.

Will John Lundstram come straight back in?

I never discuss my teams before games, which makes it a little bit difficult for my colleagues. 

Did you feel you should've had a penalty?

I didn't see the images back. From where I was standing there was a clear pull. You guys saw it, do you have an explanation why that's not a penalty? That is disappointing that everyone has the same idea of that and we see it from 50 metres but it was not seen on the replay. That's not my job and still, I am a fan of VAR. If that is the case clearly the decision-making should be better. That is a detail in this game, I expect on Saturday it will be very correct.

Will you give players until Saturday morning to be fit for the game? 

It's a difficult answer to give because I don't know yet what the story will be. A player could be fit on Friday and play some minutes and I need to wait until that moment. I don't like this situation but it's been that way for a few weeks. I saw a team fighting and giving their best, also the young boys. We need to pay attention to the really positive things if you see how the young boys are growing into the team. Ross scored a really good goal and that was a player last year who had trained only five times with the first team all season, now he has played a lot. It's a pity he was kicked off the pitch for 8-10 weeks when his momentum was growing. I see positive things also about Robbie [Fraser], Cole McKinnon, Johnly [Yfeko]. We are working hard on that and it's a positive thing.