Every word the coach had to say ahead of tomorrow's game with Morton.

What's the impact of two games in quick succession?

I think the week we’ve just had, it’s great for the lads. The games are coming thick and fast now. We got through the tie and move on to Morton on Saturday. It’s great for us as a squad and a new group working together to get used to how it’s going to be in the coming months and I think it’s been a really good experience for the group.

Given the start of the season, is Tuesday’s second half the standard?

Yeah, I think when you’re building a group you’ll get bumps along the road. We had one bump and we’ve come through it. We’ve come on and got victories, even if we didn’t win in midweek we won the tie so go through and move on to tomorrow’s game.

Is this an opportunity tomorrow for some to stake a claim?

No, I think it’s a cup game you don’t give anyone opportunities to stake a claim, the manager will pick the team he feels will win the game. It’s a big cup game and the club’s got great history in it. We will use it to get into the next round and take every game as it comes. We play Morton then move on to PSV next week. This game is firmly in our focus and we’re looking to win tomorrow.

Are you expecting changes to the line-up?

The manager has built a squad and I think he will pick the side that will win the game. There won’t be any games for people it will be, 'We’ve got to win this game tomorrow'.

The first game in the League Cup, important to go far in the competition?

As we all well know the history of this club is about winning trophies. It’s a trophy to win, the first of the season, and we will focus strongly on that and getting through to the next round.

What have you made of the last couple of weeks, the reaction to opening-day defeat?

We just focus on what we’re doing. We know the plan. When you’re building a squad it takes some time obviously. We’ve had some good results and the boys are working extremely hard. I think it can continue over the next few games. As it comes you hope relationships will build and you see it on the pitch, I think we’ve seen really strong areas of that coming.

Plenty of pressure on Michael, what’s he like between the scenes?

The manager gives really clear messages. He’s been strong and I think the team know the direction they want to go in. We’ve had a plan from day one, he’s laid out what he wants and I think we’re working towards it.

How much change has there been and how do you work on getting players to gel? 

When you’re bringing new players into a new squad it’s difficult and it does take time. It’s about relationships in the group and we’re seeing that on the training field. There’s no other way than to get on the pitch. We had a good camp. There are going to be a few bumps along the road, but I think we’ll iron them out and as it goes it’ll only get better and better as time goes on. 

Are Ridvan Yilmaz and Ben Davies back in the European squad? 

Michael is just about finalising his group. But we’ve got a good bill of health. We’ve got one injury, I think, but it’s all coming along fine.  

Should there be an element of patience among the support given nine new signings? 

I think when you’re dealing with fans in general they always want to be winning straight away. We’ve got to take that as it is. You could say we could get a little bit of patience but they want the team to win when we play and that’s what we’re trying to give them. 

Huge couple of weeks with the PSV games, what’s the message been to the players? 

I don’t think you can look beyond tomorrow. We’ve got a big game tomorrow, so we take every game one day at a time. I think that’s a bit of a cliché, but that’s how it is. We’ve got Morton tomorrow and we’ll give them the utmost respect. Then we’ll move on to PSV once the game finishes tomorrow.  

Worked at Arsenal where there are also huge expectations and similar levels between the two clubs? 

Yeah, without a doubt. I think that’s what I’ve found coming into Rangers. The expectancy level of winning at this big club. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what it was like at Arsenal and that’s what Rangers have. That’s what we have to live with. 

Did it come as a surprise at all? 

Honestly, yes. You walk in, you come in from Arsenal and you come to Rangers, walk out at Ibrox and it’s fantastic. From a personal point, it’s great. You’ve got to look through that and it’s what you do on the grass. That’s what we’re working towards. 

Reaction to Celtic refusing away ticket allocation for first Old Firm of the season? 

It’s the powers above me who make those decisions. I’m with the manager and what they decide we’ll do.  

Personally, would you like to see away fans at this fixture? 

It’s always nice to have opposition fans but like I said, we’ll just leave it to the board and Michael and we’ll respect whatever they decide to do. 

Rabbi Matondo, Tom Lawrence, Kemar Roofe and Ben Davies not involved in PSV game? 

The four of them have had lengthy injuries and I think Michael wants a really healthy group and the reliability of the squad. The group has been selected for the next game. We’ll have a look at it from there.