Every word of the manager's press conference after his side's 4-0 win against Livingston. 

How do you react to that game?

A game of three parts, first part we started really well with a really good first goal, nice for Sam to get his first official goal. Cifuentes, who along with Souttar was the pick of the players, had a fantastic debut after his goal is called off. Then we slowed down in our play, it became stuffy and we allowed it to be too easy for Livingston to get to half-time. We didn't improve until the subs were made. Parts of our play were really wasteful after our approach play to the final third. We had moments to kill the game and we didn't. Fair play to Abdallah and Rabbi, they gave the team exactly what they needed in terms of the ability to dribble, inject pace and take us up the pitch. By the end of the day, we'd got back to where started in the game. I was really pleased with Danilo, Abdallah's first goal and then Kieran with a magnificent goal. I wonder if he's got a little lucky with the flick, I think we'll give it to him! A mixed bag overall. It's been a rough week behind the scenes so in terms of the players going into the first home game in the league in a season where we're under more than a little bit of pressure. For the new guys this week they've probably rode every emotion. That's why at the end of the week when we pick the bones out of it, I'll be more positive than pessimistic in terms of one or two areas because the new guys have scored, Dujon's had his debut, Jose was excellent and Jack's got his first clean sheet as well. All in all, the week has ended a lot better than it started. 

A good opportunity to bring on different profiles from the bench?

Rabbi's had a good pre-season having had a disappointing time here so far in general. Today we should give him a lot of praise for the way he came into a game. A lot of players with his speed and attributes, you'll only remember the last pass or shot. At the moment we have a lot of players like that, the last pass or shot needs to be better but I thought Rabbi came on and made a huge step in the right direction. One or two times aside from Kieran's goal he drove us up the pitch. He made a pass to Abdallah as well where maybe, if he's not so honest, it's a penalty. Those two boys came on and in the five or six moments before that there was tension in the stadium but I just wanted to stay with the front three, to see if they could work it out as we had moments. We're a work in progress but the last two matches are a step in the right direction that's for sure. 

Jack Butland with some really good saves?

I have no doubts about Jack. He's a top goalkeeper who we get at a good age, we have strength in depth in that position. Jack talks well in the dressing room as well and I think he's started his Rangers career well. In midweek he had a good night and VAR robs him of a clean sheet. I was delighted he got one today. 

Dessers has been taking some criticism?

You can see he's not come off a pre-season, he missed the last two months of last season as well. He scored in midweek and was involved in the first goal. I think we all want a lot from our players. The goal this week will do him the world of good. We've been tinkering with his game and he's in a new stadium, team, league. Cyriel will be fine.

What have you made of Tavernier's performances this season?

Fine, no complaints about Tav whatsoever.

Happy with the midfield balance?

Really pleased. Todd had a fitness test to play today so it was touch and go. He took a knock to his thigh in midweek but he was desperate to play. You can see he was really tired just before coming off. The second goal came at the right time for us because we managed to re-energise or rest the midfield. Ryan Jack was terrific in midweek as well and we have John and Kieran, Tom Lawrence is working back to fitness via training games really. He's been out for a year so he's probably a 10/15 minute man at the moment. He will get there as well. We've got real strength in depth in the midfield it's finding the right balance, I wanted some consistency today so just two changes to the team was important. 

Is Kemar being phased in?

Yeah, Kemar could've come on but I wanted to show trust in Danilo. I think it's important for him to get his first 90 minutes and going through the middle with two wide players for him was a little different. We have all these options. Rabbi and Abdallah today, it's one you got right maybe. Kemar won't thank me for it that's for sure because he's desperate to play and has looked very sharp in training. But when we're trying to get the team moving I've got to find the right moment to allow players that feeling back in their legs. Kemar and Tom are just a little behind the group. 

Is everyone ok for Tuesday?

Yes, John Lundstram won't travel because of a personal thing, there was a reason I left Jacko out today. Connor was never going to play three games in a week, he's trained three times in total and played two games. That's a big pat on the back for Doc Waller, Jack Ade and the physios, sport science team. Because after three months out he came back, trained once and played at Kilmarnock. It was in our plan to never play him three games next week.

Pleased with Leon Balogun?

Leon was fantastic today. He gives versatility. I think we should get used to seeing a back three at times as well, Ben is back into training Monday, Leon King and Dujon are back, there's a little more strength there. What I'm really keen to do is build consistency in the starting 11 and not make too many changes in this period, I think that will help the team. Expect Connor back on Tuesday.