Jack Butland spoke to the media this afternoon at Auchenhowie and here's everything the new Rangers goalkeeper had to say. 

First impressions on Rangers?  

Really good. Since the day I signed, there’s been no shortage of support and Rangers fans that I didn’t know existed coming out of the woodwork. The support has been incredible. I had a few weeks to wait before I came in but since then, it’s been exactly what I expected and more. There's still a lot to learn and discover. The lads are brilliant, the way they work, learning off the manager and the way the group feels is really positive. It’s been a really enjoyable start. 

Emulating Andy Goram and Allan McGregor?  

That’s the plan. You are talking about two goalies - the goalie and Greigsy - with an incredible history of the club and who knew what the club was about. Watching the memorial video to Andy Goram painted a picture of what he was like and what the club meant to him. This club has a rich history of top goalkeepers and that’s something that I’ll be looking to continue, on and off the pitch. Hopefully I can follow in their footsteps, that’s a big ask considering what they have done but it’s what we are capable of. 

What attracted you to Rangers, you had an offer from Manchester United and they are your boyhood club? 

It wasn’t difficult really. Joining Manchester United was a great opportunity to join the club that I supported as a kid and learn from the best. But you quickly get to the point where you realise how much you miss playing and miss that winning feeling. It’s great when other people are doing it, and you feel a part of it but Rangers had always sort of been there for a few years. It never got to the point where I had a decision to make and this summer, it got to that point. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make, it’s an incredible club but ultimately it’s about being successful. Being successful is this club’s goal every season - without fail - and that’s an exciting place to be. 

Showing a different side to the game and having more possession? 

There will be different demands due to the amount of possession that we’ll have. Going to United was different from clubs that I’ve been at before. There will be different demands here as well but the most important thing is keeping the ball out of the net. There will be games when it comes down to one moment and there will be others, where there will be more than that. That’s what being a goalkeeper at this club is about, because for a large part of games you will have a lot of possession. Some games are harder to break down teams down more than others and it might come to that one moment, which keeps you in the game or keeps you 1-0 up. It’s exciting to hopefully be part of a winning squad and be able to contribute when it’s most important. 

Rangers' previous interest? 

It was always there or thereabouts. It never got to the point where I was able to make it a reality. Having met the manager months earlier when I was coming to the point in my contract where it was easier to make this happen, it started to become a bit more real. Hearing the manager’s plans with the allure of Ibrox, it became quite easy in the end. 

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English ambitions? 

I’m a patriotic guy. My country has always been important to me and to have represented them in the past is an honour. I would obviously like to get back to that but it's not my sole focus. My focus is to be successful at club level and to do my job here. Whatever happens with that (England) will take care of itself and that’s for others to decide but that only happens if we are doing well here. 

Champions League ambition?

I’ve heard about the European nights at Ibrox. It’s an important part of the club and we’ve had some great moments over the years in Europe. We are looking to continue that and we’ve got an opportunity to do that. That was a massive point for me. We are sort of guaranteed it either way but that’s not the focus because we want to get in the Champions League. 

How close was a move to Ranges previously? 

It wasn’t ever there. It had always been an attraction of mine and there had always been rumours but it never got to the point that I spoke to anyone. I met the manager in March and I very quickly got a feel of what he wanted to do and the presentation of what the club was about. I had made my decision by that point and once the contract situation with Palace came to a point then it was all wrapped up. 

Excited for Old Firms? 

I kept my eye on them towards the end of last season and watched a few games. You can say what you like about them but you have to experience them first hand. I’m looking forward to that and they are what they are - you have to win. 

Learn from not playing? 

You see it from a different place and pick up things when you can. It’s difficult for a goalkeeper when you’re not playing and opportunities don’t often come around. You learn more about yourself, it allows you to focus on other areas of your game and at United, I was testing myself against some of the best players in the world.