Guy Stenhouse

Guy Stenhouse is a notable figure in the Scottish financial sector. He has held various positions, including being the Managing Director of Noble Grossart, an independent merchant bank based in Edinburgh, until 2017

Guy Stenhouse is a notable figure in the Scottish financial sector. He has held various positions, including being the Managing Director of Noble Grossart, an independent merchant bank based in Edinburgh, until 2017

Latest articles from Guy Stenhouse

Guy Stenhouse Labour should scrap tax relief on pensions for higher tax rate payers

There is no compelling justification for the state to give tax relief on pension contributions at more than the basic rate of tax. There is some argument to provide relief at 25% or even 30% so that those who pay basic rate tax have an even greater incentive to save but relief at 40% or 45% - No. The country cannot afford it and we simply should not do it.